Ancient History
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Imperatorum Romanorum numismata a Pompejo Magno ad Heraclium,(Adolph) Adolf Occo; Franciscus Biragus..
$950.00 Ex Tax: $950.00
In Hoc Volumine Haec Continentur: M. T. Cice. Officiorum Lib. Iii; Cato Major, Sive De Senectute; La..
$600.00 Ex Tax: $600.00
Interpretatio Obeliscorum Urbis ad Gregorium XVI (2 volumes)Alois Luigi Maria Ungarelli Romae, ..
$2,350.00 Ex Tax: $2,350.00
Ioannis Grammatici Cognomento Philoponi Eruditissima Commentaria in Primos Quatuor Aristotelis De Na..
$2,500.00 Ex Tax: $2,500.00
Julii Pollucis Onomasticum Graece & Latine = Louliou Polydeukous Onomastikon en Bibliois DekaJul..
$600.00 Ex Tax: $600.00
L'Antiquite Expliquee et Representee en Figures. 6 Vols only of 15: Vol III, Part II; Vol IV, Parts ..
$4,200.00 Ex Tax: $4,200.00
L'Etat Militaire De L'Empire Ottoman. Parts I-II.Luigi Ferdinando MarsigliThe Hague: Pierre Gosse, J..
$15,000.00 Ex Tax: $15,000.00
La Philis de Sciro du Comte Bonarelli Traduit en Francois: Avec la Dissertation du Meme Auteur Sur l..
$125.00 Ex Tax: $125.00
La prima parte della Geografia di Strabone, di greco tradotta in volgare italiano da M. Alfonso Buon..
$650.00 Ex Tax: $650.00
Le bronze: le Cuivre, l'etain, le Plomb (Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs: Le Metal: Deuxieme partie)&nb..
$185.00 Ex Tax: $185.00
Le Epistole famigliari di Cicerone : tradotte secondo i veri sensi dell'Auttore, e con figure propri..
$800.00 Ex Tax: $800.00
Les Antiquites d'Herculanum, ou les Plus Belles Peintures Antiques, et les Marbres, Bronzes, Meubles..
$4,500.00 Ex Tax: $4,500.00
Les vies des hommes illustres grecs & romainsPlutarch; Jacques Amyot; PlutarqueParis : Michel de..
$3,000.00 Ex Tax: $3,000.00
Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars (State Archives of Assyria)Simo ParpolaHelsinki Univer..
$175.00 Ex Tax: $175.00
Li Romanz d'Athis et Prophilias (l'Estoire d'Athenes) nach allen bekannten Handschriften zum ersten ..
$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00