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M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammatum Libros XV Martial.; Vincentius CollessoParisiis : Apud Anton..
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A Description of Some Ancient Monuments, with Inscriptions, Still Existing in Lydia and Phrygia, Sev..
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A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy (Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Scie..
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A History of PoliomyelitisPaul, John RodmanYale Univ Pr, 1978Hardcover and dust jacket. Good binding..
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Aeschyli Tragoediae Septem Aeschylus; Thomas StanleyJacob Flesher for Cornelius Bee, 1663Folio,..
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Altagyptische Totenliturgien (4 Bands)Assmann, Jan; Bommas, Martin [Editor]; Kucharek, Andrea; Unive..
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An Investigation of the Principles of Athenian Architecture, or the Results of a Recent Survey Condu..
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Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia - Historical Records of Assyria - Volume I: From the Earlie..
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Antiquitatum Judaicarum libri XXFlavius Josephus; Flavius - Josephus; Sigmund Gelen; Desiderius Eras..
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Apophthegmatum Ex Optimis Utriusque Linguae Scriptoribus: Parabolarum Item Seu Similitudinum, Loci C..
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Apuleii Opera omnia : ex editione Oudendorpiana cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini variis..
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Aristotelis de moribus ad Nicomachum, Lib. X = Aristotelous ethikon Nikomacheion biblia dekaAristotl..
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Aristotelis de Rhetorica seu Arte Dicendi Libri Tres [BOUND WITH] De Poetica Liber, Latine Conversus..
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Aristotelis de Rhetorica seu Arte Dicendi Libri Tres, Graecolat.Aristotle.; Theodore GoulstonTypis E..
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Aristotle's Criticism of Plato and the Academy, Volume 1Harold ChernissJohns Hopkins Press, 19441944..
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