Ancient History

Ancient History
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The Poems of Bacchylides: From a Papyrus in the British Museum

The Poems of Bacchylides: From a Papyrus in the British MuseumBacchylides, Frederic G. Kenyon, Briti..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

The Roman Wall, and Illustrations of the Principal Vestiges of Roman Occupation in the North of England

The Roman Wall, and illustrations of the principal vestiges of Roman occupation in the North of Engl..

$1,000.00 Ex Tax: $1,000.00

The Sea-Kings of Crete (Second Edition)

The Sea-Kings of Crete (Second Edition)Baikie, Rev. JamesAdam and Charles Black, 1913.Bound in publi..

$29.99 Ex Tax: $29.99

The Tragedies of Sophocles (Translated into English Prose)

The Tragedies of Sophocles (Translated into English Prose)Sophocles; Richard C. Jebb (Translator)Cam..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

The Works of Aristotle Translated Into English, Twelve Volume Set

The Works of Aristotle Translated Into English, Twelve Volume SetAristotle; David Ross; J.A. SmithOx..

$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00

Thymele Recherches sur la Signification et la Destination des Monuments Circulaires dans l'architecture Religieuse de la Grece

Thymele Recherches sur la Signification et la Destination des Monuments Circulaires dans l'architect..

$180.00 Ex Tax: $180.00

Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex Ex editione Thomae Creech

Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex Ex editione Thomae CreechTitus Lucretius Carus; Thomas ..

$500.00 Ex Tax: $500.00

Un Almanach Babylonien, V R 48-49

Un Almanach Babylonien, V R 48-49Rene LabatAdrien Maisonneuve, 1943Softcover. Good binding and cover..

$100.00 Ex Tax: $100.00

Views of the most celebrated sites of Ancient Greece

Views of the most celebrated sites of Ancient GreeceTheodore AlignyCommercial Bank of Greece, 1971.L..

$295.00 Ex Tax: $295.00