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The Poems of Bacchylides: From a Papyrus in the British MuseumBacchylides, Frederic G. Kenyon, Briti..
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The Public Economy of Athens, in Four Books; To which is Added, A Dissertation on the Silver-Mines o..
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The Roman Wall, and illustrations of the principal vestiges of Roman occupation in the North of Engl..
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The Sea-Kings of Crete (Second Edition)Baikie, Rev. JamesAdam and Charles Black, 1913.Bound in publi..
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The temple of the muses; or, the principal histories of fabulous antiquity, represented in sixty scu..
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The Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Aegina and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae Near Phigaleia in Ar..
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The Tragedies of Sophocles (Translated into English Prose)Sophocles; Richard C. Jebb (Translator)Cam..
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The Works of Aristotle Translated Into English, Twelve Volume SetAristotle; David Ross; J.A. SmithOx..
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Thymele Recherches sur la Signification et la Destination des Monuments Circulaires dans l'architect..
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Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex Ex editione Thomae CreechTitus Lucretius Carus; Thomas ..
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Tobiae Gutberlethi jurisconsulti De Saliis Martis sacerdotibus apud Romanos [AND] Dissertatio Philol..
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Un Almanach Babylonien, V R 48-49Rene LabatAdrien Maisonneuve, 1943Softcover. Good binding and cover..
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Views of the most celebrated sites of Ancient GreeceTheodore AlignyCommercial Bank of Greece, 1971.L..
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[Two Manuscript Books by Robert Machell of Beverley, Written Between 1815-1834 at Cambridge, St. Joh..
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