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Religion and Theology
Books that deal with the study, history and practice of religion, spirituality, mysticism, and belief in God.
Vetera Analecta, Sive Collectio Veterum Aliquot Operum et Opusculorum Omnis Generis, Carminum, Epist..
$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00
Veterum Scriptorum et Monumentorum Historicorum, Dogmaticorum, Moralium, Amplissima Collectio (Volum..
$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00
Virgilii Evangelisantis Christiados Libri XIII, in Quibus Omnia quae de Domino Nostro Jesu Christo i..
$375.00 Ex Tax: $375.00
[BAER - BEAR Family Bible, Lancaster, York County PA] : Biblia, das ist, Die ganze Heilige Schrift d..
$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00
[Canby / Riggs / Jackson Family Bible] The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New TestamentsAlexande..
$1,200.00 Ex Tax: $1,200.00
[Houck Family Bibles, Pennsylvania 1870s-1970s] (2 volumes) Combination Holy Bible (1895) [AND] (Hol..
$600.00 Ex Tax: $600.00
[Raffensberger Family Bible] The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out o..
$220.00 Ex Tax: $220.00
[Voorhees] The Family Bible; Containing the Old and New Testaments, with Brief Notes and Instruction..
$200.00 Ex Tax: $200.00
[Wasson Family Bible, Indiana] Holy Bible: Containing The Old And New Testaments Translated Out Of T..
$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00