

Religion and Theology

Books that deal with the study, history and practice of religion, spirituality, mysticism, and belief in God. 

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Le Petit Paroissien Complet en Latin & en François, Selon l'usage de Paris

Le Petit Paroissien Complet en Latin & en François, Selon l'usage de ParisCharles-Prosper Dehan..

$185.00 Ex Tax: $185.00

Lectionary for Mass the Roman Missal (Fine Binding)

Lectionary for Mass the Roman Missal (Fine Binding)Fritz Eberhardt (book binder); Catholic ChurchCat..

$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00

Legende Doree ou Sommaire de l'histoire des Freres Mendians de l'ordre de S. Dominique et de S. François, Comprenant Briefvement

Legende doree ou sommaire de l'histoire des freres mendians de l'ordre de S. Dominique et de S. Fran..

$775.00 Ex Tax: $775.00

Les Vies des Saints (Two Tomes)

Les Vies des Saints (Two Tomes)Francois GiryParis: Francois Hubert Muguet, 1703Folios, 41 x 29 cm.&n..

$700.00 Ex Tax: $700.00

Liber Jobi: Cum Nova Versione ad Hebraeum (Habraeum) Fontem et Commentario Perpetuo

Liber Jobi: Cum Nova Versione ad Hebraeum (Habraeum) Fontem et Commentario PerpetuoAlbert Schultens;..

$435.00 Ex Tax: $435.00

Lietuvos Religinio: Truputis Gyvenimo

Lietuvos Religinio: Truputis Gyvenimo: Lithuanian Church Photobook - Unique PortfolioAuthor UnkownHa..

$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00

Life and Letters of Frederick W. Robertson, M.A., incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 1847-53. (2 volume set)

Life and Letters of Frederick W. Robertson, M.A., incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 1847-53. (2..

$100.00 Ex Tax: $100.00

Lvcii Coelii siue Caecilii Lactantii Firmiani Opera omnia

Lvcii Coelii siue Caecilii Lactantii Firmiani Opera omniaLactantius; Johann Georg Walch; Lucius Caec..

$245.00 Ex Tax: $245.00

Magnum Speculum Exemplorum

Magnum speculum exemplorum : ex plusquam octoginta auctoribus, pietate, doctrina et antiquitate vene..

$295.00 Ex Tax: $295.00

Manuel du Chretien, Contenant Les Paaumes, Le Nouveau Testament, L'imitation de No. S. Jesus-Christ

Manuel du Chretien, Contenant Les Paaumes, Le Nouveau Testament, L'imitation de No. S. Jesus-ChristI..

$95.00 Ex Tax: $95.00

Meir Tov: Perush al Hamishah Humshe Torah (6 volumes)

Meir Tov: Perush al Hamishah Humshe Torah (6 volumes)Yom Tov Yadid; Rabbi Yom Tov Yadid HaLevi Zatzu..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

Memoirs of the Life of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. Late Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon

Memoirs of the life of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. late Chaplain to the Right Honourable th..

$450.00 Ex Tax: $450.00

Miscellaneous Discourses and Reviews (Signed)

Miscellaneous Discourses and Reviews (Signed)Heman Humphrey; President of AmherstAmherst : J.S. and ..

$400.00 Ex Tax: $400.00