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Religion and Theology
Books that deal with the study, history and practice of religion, spirituality, mysticism, and belief in God.
The Christian Life. Part II: Wherein that Fundamental Principle of Christian Duty, the Doctrine of O..
$400.00 Ex Tax: $400.00
The Christian Lyre; A Collection of Hymns and Tunes Adapted for Social Worship, Prayer Meetings, and..
$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00
The Death of Abel: In Five BooksSalomon GessnerPhiladelphia : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market..
$160.00 Ex Tax: $160.00
The Defense of the Aunswere to the Admonition Against T.CJohn Whitgift , (Archbishop Of Canterbury)L..
$4,000.00 Ex Tax: $4,000.00
The Doctrine of a Middle State Between Death and the Resurrection or Prayers for the Dead: and the N..
$450.00 Ex Tax: $450.00
The great case of tithes truly stated, clearly open'd, and fully resolv'd, : To which is added, A De..
$120.00 Ex Tax: $120.00
The hieroglyphick Bible; or Select passages in the Old and New Testaments, : represented with emblem..
$200.00 Ex Tax: $200.00
The history of Romish treasons and usurpations : together with a particular account of many gross co..
$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00
The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress, of the Christian People Called QuakersWilliam Sewel..
$520.00 Ex Tax: $520.00
The History of the Seventy Two Interpreters: Of their Journey from Jerusalem to Alexandria: Their En..
$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00
The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues and w..
$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00
The Holy Bible : Containing the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha (14 Volume Set)Various Cont..
$600.00 Ex Tax: $600.00
The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments: Together with the Apocrypha (Brown : Spa..
$1,800.00 Ex Tax: $1,800.00
The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New, newly translated out of the originall tongu..
$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00
The Holy Bible, Containing the OId and New Testaments, with Original Notes, Practical Observations, ..
$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00