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Historical and political reflections on the rise and progress of the American rebellion : in which t..
$7,500.00 Ex Tax: $7,500.00
Historie of the Holy Warre [Bound with] The Holy State and the Profane StateFuller, Thomas B.D. Preb..
$1,200.00 Ex Tax: $1,200.00
History of Armenia: From B.C. 2247 to the Year of Christ 1780, or 1229 of the Armenian Era (2 ..
$2,500.00 Ex Tax: $2,500.00
History of the Indian tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the princ..
$18,000.00 Ex Tax: $18,000.00
History of the Indian Tribes of North America: With Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Princ..
$16,000.00 Ex Tax: $16,000.00
Homeri quae extant omnia Ilias, Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, poematia aliquot cum Latina uersi..
$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00
Hunting, Hawking, Shooting, Illustrated in a Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Prints and Drawings ..
$3,000.00 Ex Tax: $3,000.00
Icones Biblicae Veteris et N. Testamenti = Figures du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament = Print-Verbeeld..
$3,500.00 Ex Tax: $3,500.00
Idea de Una Nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional: Fundada Sobre Material Copioso de Fi..
$2,100.00 Ex Tax: $2,100.00
Il petrarca con le osseruationi di Messer Francesco Alunno bound with] Le Osservationi di M. Frances..
$4,200.00 Ex Tax: $4,200.00
Il Tempio Vaticano e Sua Origine = Templum Vaticanum et Ipsius Origo Carlo Fontana; Joannes Jos..
$8,000.00 Ex Tax: $8,000.00
Illustrations of orchidaceous plants : a series of one hundred figures, chiefly selected from the Bo..
$4,000.00 Ex Tax: $4,000.00
Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Lesu: A Prouincia Flandro-Belgica Eiusdem Societatis RepraesentataBol..
$3,200.00 Ex Tax: $3,200.00
Imago Primi Saeculi Societatis Lesu: A Prouincia Flandro-Belgica Eiusdem Societatis Repraesentata &n..
$3,100.00 Ex Tax: $3,100.00
In hoc volumine haec continentur. Aurelii Cornelii Celsii Medicinae libri. 8. quam emendatissimi, Gr..
$4,000.00 Ex Tax: $4,000.00