Mannucciorum Commentariis Illustratus Antoquaeque Lectioni Restitutus [Opera of Cicero] (7 volumes bound in 3)
Mannucciorum Commentariis Illustratus Antoquaeque Lectioni Restitutus [Opera of Cicero] (7 volumes bound in 3)
Marcus Tullius Cicero; Aldus Pius MANUTIUS; Aldo MANUZIO, the Younger.; Paolo MANUZIO
Venetiis, apud Aldum [colophon: ex typographia Georgii Angelerii sumptibus Mag. D. Aldi Mannuccii M.D. LXXXI, 1582
[Aldine edition of the Works of Cicero] 7 volume set, bound in 3. The first 7 of 10 books. Originally issued separately, 1578-83. Folios, 33 cm. Rebound in 17th century calf. Binding worn, boards detached. Institutional stamps and book plates, renewed end pages. All edges red. Engraved title page with Aldine device. Woodcut titles for vols. III & VI. An important edition: "Ces volumes ... sont toujours consideres comme une des plus importants editions de Cicero ... Un exmeplaire d'une parfaite conservation est un livre fort rare, et toujours digne de toute l'attention des amateurs." - Renouard. Renouard 232. Adams C 1660. Brunet II, p. 8.