
Books related to the study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation.   Including: biology, physics, chemistry, geology, earth science, ecology, oceanography, astronomy, meteorology, zoology, botany, physical science, engineering, space, mathematics, etc.

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La Science des Ingenieurs dans la Conduite des Travaux de Fortification et d'architecture Civile

La Science des Ingenieurs dans la Conduite des Travaux de Fortification et d'architecture CivileBern..

$1,250.00 Ex Tax: $1,250.00

Le Poids du ciel

Le Poids du ciel ... 32 astrophotographies de M. de Kerolyr.Jean Giono and Marcel de KerolyrGALLIMAR..

$120.00 Ex Tax: $120.00

Le Travail Scientifique; Ecole Pratique

Le Travail Scientifique; Ecole PratiqueLeopold FonckGabriel Beauchesne, Paris, 1911Bound in leather ..

$60.00 Ex Tax: $60.00

Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy: Considered in its Present State of Improvement (4 volumes)

Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy: Considered in its Present State of Improvement (4 v..

$1,450.00 Ex Tax: $1,450.00

Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry: Delivered in the University of Edinburgh (3 volumes)

Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry: Delivered in the University of Edinburgh (3 volumes)Joseph Bl..

$1,250.00 Ex Tax: $1,250.00

Lettres a un Ameriquain sur l'Histoire naturelle (5 vol. set)

Lettres a un Ameriquain sur l'Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere de Monsieur de Buffon (5 ..

$1,450.00 Ex Tax: $1,450.00

Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences: Depuis 1666 Jusqu'a 1699: Tome IV

Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences: Depuis 1666 Jusqu'a 1699: Tome IVL'ACADEMIE ROYALE DES S..

$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00

Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 2 vol. set

Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 2 volume setAmerican Academy of Arts and Scienc..

$1,200.00 Ex Tax: $1,200.00

Memoirs read before the Boston society of natural history

Memoirs read before the Boston society of natural history; being a new series of the Boston journal ..

$450.00 Ex Tax: $450.00

Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica Della Societa Italiana (1790-1816, 10 volumes)

Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica Della Societa Italiana (1790-1816, 10 volumes)Societa italianaSoci..

$2,000.00 Ex Tax: $2,000.00

Mendel's Principles of Heredity

Mendel's Principles of HeredityW. BatesonCambridge University Press, 1909[The First Textbook on Gene..

$500.00 Ex Tax: $500.00

Microscopical Petrography (United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel)

Microscopical Petrography (United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel)Zirkel, Fer..

$500.00 Ex Tax: $500.00

Nature: A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science (7 Volume set)

Nature: A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science (7 Volume set)R.W. Church; T. Fowler; Oliver J. Lodg..

$175.00 Ex Tax: $175.00