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Books related to the study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation. Including: biology, physics, chemistry, geology, earth science, ecology, oceanography, astronomy, meteorology, zoology, botany, physical science, engineering, space, mathematics, etc.
Catalog of the Sidney M. Edelstein Collection of the History of Chemistry, Dyeing and TechnologyRon,..
$125.00 Ex Tax: $125.00
Cellular ImmunologyBurnet, F. MCambridge University P, 1969[Interesting provenance, previously owned..
$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00
Centennial Continent / Ocean Transect : [North America] (16 volumes) Geological Society of America, ..
$140.00 Ex Tax: $140.00
Charles Hampton Research Chemist (Signed)Stephen C. Kenney Arthur W. KenneyDodd, Mead and Company, N..
$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00
Chemical Discovery and Invention in the Twentieth Century. (Prize Binding)Sir William A Tilden:Londo..
$95.00 Ex Tax: $95.00
Color ComputerM. Grumbacher IncM. Grumbacher, Inc., New York, 19723 charts : color ; 24 cm in diamet..
$105.00 Ex Tax: $105.00
Conversations on Chymistry: In which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained, and Illu..
$2,000.00 Ex Tax: $2,000.00
Conversations on Natural Philosophy, in which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained,..
$85.00 Ex Tax: $85.00
Cours Abrege de Lecons de Chymie: Contenant une Exposition Precise et Methodique des Principes de ce..
$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00
Cours de Chimie a L'usage de M.M. Les Eleves de L'ecole Militaire de Saint-CyrJean-Jacques ColinPari..
$140.00 Ex Tax: $140.00
De la Pirothecnia 1540, a cura di Adriano Carugo. Vannoccio BiringuccioIl Polifilo, Milano, 1977Hard..
$70.00 Ex Tax: $70.00
Dictionary of Scientific Biography 16 Volume SetGillispie, Charles Coulston, EditorCharles Scribner'..
$1,490.00 Ex Tax: $1,490.00
Dictionnaire de Chimie Industrielle. Avec la collaboration de M. de LucaBarreswil, M.; Aime GirardDe..
$325.00 Ex Tax: $325.00
Die Alchemie des Andreas Libavius ein Lehrbuch der Chemie aus dem Jahre 1597Andreas LibaviusVerlag C..
$90.00 Ex Tax: $90.00
Die Chemische Technologie: Jahres-Bericht Uber die Leistungen der Chemischen Technologie (9 volumes)..
$225.00 Ex Tax: $225.00