
Books related to the study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation.   Including: biology, physics, chemistry, geology, earth science, ecology, oceanography, astronomy, meteorology, zoology, botany, physical science, engineering, space, mathematics, etc.

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Diesel Engine Catalog : Volume Thirteen

Diesel Engine Catalog : Volume ThirteenRex WadmanDiesel Engines INc., 1948V.13 Bound in publisher's ..

$200.00 Ex Tax: $200.00

e: The Story of a Number

e: The Story of a NumberMaor, EliPrinceton University Press, 1994Hardcover and dust jacket. Good bin..

$51.97 Ex Tax: $51.97

Eighteenth Annual Report of the Boston Transit Commission for the Year Ending June 30, 1912

Eighteenth Annual Report of the Boston Transit Commission for the Year Ending June 30, 1912 Bos..

$240.00 Ex Tax: $240.00

Electric Light Fitting; A Handbook for Working Electrical Engineers, Embodying Practical Notes on Installation Management 1890

Electric Light Fitting; A Handbook for Working Electrical Engineers, Embodying Practical Notes on In..

$45.00 Ex Tax: $45.00

Electricity in Every-Day Life

Electricity in Every-Day LifeHouston, Edwin JP.F. Collier & Son, 19053 volume set. Bound in publ..

$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry: In a Course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry: In a Course of Lectures for the Board of AgricultureHumphry Davy..

$225.00 Ex Tax: $225.00

Elements of the Art of Dying (2 vol. set)

Elements of the Art of Dying. Containing the theory of dying in general, as far as it respects the p..

$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00

Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry

Elements of the Theory and Practice of ChymistryMacquer, Pierre Joseph Reid, Andrew. ; Macquer, Pier..

$475.00 Ex Tax: $475.00

Essai de Statique Chimique. Volume 1 & 2

Essai de Statique Chimique. Volume 1 & 2Berthollet, Claude LouisJohnson Reprint Corp. 19722 volu..

$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00

Experiences Sur Les Vegetaux

Experiences Sur Les Vegetaux : Specialement Sur La Propriete Quils Possedent a Un Haut Degre, Soit D..

$565.00 Ex Tax: $565.00

Experimental Science: Elementary, Practical and Experimental Physics

Experimental Science: Elementary, Practical and Experimental PhysicsGeorge M HopkinsNew York : Munn ..

$80.00 Ex Tax: $80.00

Explosives: A Synoptic and Critical Treatment of the Literature of the Subject as Gathered From Various Sources

Explosives: A Synoptic and Critical Treatment of the Literature of the Subject as Gathered From Vari..

$65.00 Ex Tax: $65.00