Vue de la Ville de Dunquerque en Flandre = Prospect der Stadt Dunkirchen in Flandern
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Vue de la Ville de Dunquerque en Flandre = Prospect der Stadt Dunkirchen in Flandern
Georg Balthasar Probst
[Prospectus urbium illustrium]. - [hauptsachlich von Johann Balthasar Probst und verschiedenen Pariser Kupferstechern u. Verlegern] Bl. 105, ca. 1750
Hand colored, copper plate engraving of Dunkirk harbor, circa 1750. Framed and mounted, under plexi-glass. 15 labeled sites, in French and German. Nice coloration. A few waves in the print. Vue d'optiques were created to give the illusion of perspective when viewed with a zograscope or perspective glass.