The Way to Wealth, or, Poor Richar Improved
The Way to Wealth, or, Poor Richar Improved
Benjamin Franklin
Ant. Aug. Renouard, Paris, 1795
Frontispiece portrait of Franklin (after J.-S. Duplessis by Alexandre Tardieu). [4], 181, [4] pages. 12mo. Bound in contemporary calf. Moderate wear, joints split, lower corner of boards scorched; dampstaining to corner of the last 6 leaves. English text of Franklin's The way to wealth, and its French translation, La science du Bonhomme Richard (with its' own title page.) The first section is in English. Without the 28-page supplement. "The prettiest edition yet printed" -Ford, Franklin 135. Sabin 25596. Celebration of My Country 132. List of contents:The way to wealth; La science du bonhomme Richard; Lettres de Franklin; Dialogue entre la goutte et Franklin; Vers sur la meme sujet; Avis a ceux qui voudraient aller s'etablir en Amerique; Epitaphe de Franklin.