The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, May 1891, to October 1891 The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine 1884, 1885, 1889, 1890, 1891 (5 volumes)
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, May 1891, to October 1891 The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine 1884, 1885, 1889, 1890, 1891 (5 volumes)
George Washington Cable; William Woodville Rockhill; John Muir; Robert E. Lee; Mark Twain
Century; T.F. Unwin, 1884
5 volumes. 4 volumes bound in 3/4 leather, one in cloth. Includes: Vol. XXIX, New series Vol. VII; Vol. XXX, New series VIII; Vol. XXIX, New series. XVIII; Vol. XL, new series XVIII; XLI, New series XIX.
Includes an interesting article: "The Freedman's Case in Equity", dealing with the present condition of recently enslaved people in America. Many other fascinating articles include: Articles written by John Muir on Yosemite; Two interviews of Robert E. Lee; Battles and Leaders of the Civil War; Five accounts of an American in Tibet, by the American Ambassador William Woodville Rockhill; The Use of Bloodhounds in Slave Catching; numerous civil war related articles, Abraham Lincoln, Stonewall Jackson, John Wilkes Booth, Mark Twain, Jefferson Davis, etc.
Contemporary signature of Edwin Sanford Bethel.