civile bygnings-kunst
Grundig og tydelGrundig og tydelig anviisning til den civile bygnings-kunst, hvorudi viises hvorledes man kan bringe de fem ordener i en god overeensstemmelse, og vel anvende dem i heele bygnings-kunsten, efter de fem aeldste og beste byg-mestere, nemlig: Vitruvius, Serlio, Palladio, Scamozzi, Vignola og de romerske antiqviteter, udgivet tilnytte for den studerende ungdom paa det kongl. danske Skildre- bildhugger- og bygnings-academie = Grundliche und deutliche Anweisung zu der civil Bau-Kunst, darinnen gezeiget wird wie man die Funff Ordnungen in eine gute Uebereinstimmung bringen, und in allen Wercken der Bau-Kunst, nach den Funf altesten und besten Bau-Meistern, nemlich: Vitruvius, Serlio, Palladio, Scamozzi, Vignola und den romischen Antiquitaeten geschic
George David Anthon
Kobenhavn: Nicolaus Moller, 1759.
Original marbled calf, raised bands, compartments decorated in gilt. Parallel text in Danish and German. Lacking spine label. Wear to edges, chipping to head and tail of spine with loss. Marginal soiling and spotting to plates. Signature to title page, inscription on second blank.
Georg (George) David Anthon was a German-Danish architect. A student of Danish architect Nicolai Eigtved, he became a royal building inspector in 1751 and in 1761 he was named Royal Master Builder with responsibility for all the royal castles and homes. He was schooled in the Rococo style of architecture when Neoclassicism was regarded as the leading style. He was controversial and proposed tearing down the spires of both Borsen - the Stock Exchange from 1640 and Rosenborg Castle from 1624 and replacing them with dome structures. Bibliotheca danica II:377. VD18 11000260.
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