

Books on medicine and medical history.

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Myographia Nova, Sive Musculorum Omnium, In Corpore Humano Hactenus Repertorum Descriptio

Myographia Nova, Sive Musculorum Omnium, In Corpore Humano Hactenus Repertorum DescriptioJohn Browne..

$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00

Prodromus Praevertens Acta Medica Havniensia

 Prodromus Praevertens Acta Medica HavniensiaCollegium Medicum (COPENHAGEN); Balth Johs Buchwal..

$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00

A Compleat History of Druggs, Written in French by Monsieur Pomet, Chief Druggist to the Present French King

A compleat history of druggs, written in French by Monsieur Pomet, chief druggist to the present Fre..

$1,600.00 Ex Tax: $1,600.00

A Doctor's Experiences in Three Continents

A Doctor's Experiences in Three Continents Edward WarrenCushings & Bailey, Baltimore, MD, 1885[I..

$170.00 Ex Tax: $170.00

A Guide to the Clinical Use of the 16 PF (Hardcover) (Signed)

A Guide to the Clinical Use of the 16 PF (Hardcover) (Signed)Karson, SamuelInstitute for Personality..

$100.00 Ex Tax: $100.00

A History of Epidemics in Britain (2 Volumes)

A History of Epidemics in Britain (2 Volumes)Creighton, Charles.Frank Cass, 19652 volume set. Second..

$65.00 Ex Tax: $65.00

A Monograph of the Culicidae, or Mosquitoes: Mainly Compiled from the Collections Received at the British Museum from Various Parts of the World

A monograph of the culicidae, or mosquitoes : mainly compiled from the collections received at the B..

$3,500.00 Ex Tax: $3,500.00

A Practical Treatise on the Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Diseases of the Heart

A Practical Treatise on the Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of Diseases of the HeartAustin Flint..

$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00

A Profile of the United States Public Health Service, 1798-1948

A Profile of the United States Public Health Service, 1798-1948Furman, BessU.S. Department of Health..

$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00

A Report Founded on the Cases of Typhoid Fever

A Report Founded on the Cases of Typhoid Fever James Jackson; Robley Dunglison; Massachusetts Genera..

$480.00 Ex Tax: $480.00

A Study in Hospital Efficiency: As Demonstrated by the Case Report of the Second Two Years of a Private Hospital

A Study in Hospital Efficiency: As Demonstrated by the Case Report of the Second Two Years of a Priv..

$2,500.00 Ex Tax: $2,500.00

A Treatise on Physiology Applied to Pathology

A Treatise on Physiology Applied to PathologyF J V Broussais; John Bell; R La RochePhiladelphia : H...

$75.00 Ex Tax: $75.00

A Treatise on Surgical Diseases: and the Operations Suited to Them (2 volumes)

A Treatise on Surgical Diseases: and the Operations Suited to Them (2 volumes)Alexis Boyer; Alexande..

$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00

A Treatise on the Venereal Disease

A Treatise on the Venereal Disease John Hunter; Joseph AdamsJ. Webster, 1818First American edition B..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

Abhandlung vom Miserere Oder von der Darmgicht, Nebst Bemerkungen von D. Heilsamen Kräften des Leinöls in Dieser Krankheit

Abhandlung vom Miserere Oder von der Darmgicht, Nebst Bemerkungen von D. Heilsamen Kräften des Lein..

$120.00 Ex Tax: $120.00