

General category.  The study of the past.  First started by the Herodotus and Thucydides, history covers all that has been recorded.

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Description de la cite d'Anvers

Description de la cite d'AnversLodovico Guicciardini; François de Belleforest; Maurits Sabbe; J E B..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters

Diary in Turkish and Greek WatersCarlisle, George William. Hickling, Swan, and Brown, 1855Hardcover...

$90.00 Ex Tax: $90.00

Die Indianer in England; Lustspiel in dren Aufzugen. Zum Erstemale aufgefuhrt auf dem Liebhabertheater zu Reval im Februar 1789.

Die Indianer in England; Lustspiel in dren Aufzugen. Zum Erstemale aufgefuhrt auf dem Liebhabertheat..

$80.00 Ex Tax: $80.00

Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature (25 volumes in fine leather)

Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature (25 volumes in fine ..

$2,000.00 Ex Tax: $2,000.00

Epistolae D. Erasmi Roterodami Familiares, ob Singularem Elegantiam Adolescentium Studiis & Captui Accommodatae

Epistolae D. Erasmi Roterodami Familiares, ob Singularem Elegantiam Adolescentium Studiis & Capt..

$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00

Etudes d'esthetique Medievale. (3 tomes)

Etudes d'esthetique Medievale. (3 tomes)Edgar de BruyneBrugge : De Tempel, 1946[The Aesthetics of th..

$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00

Europe (4 volume set)

Europe (4 volume set)Edward Raymond TurnerGarden City : Doubleday, Page, 19204 volume set, printed 1..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

European Grand Tour Photo Books: 245 Mounted Photographic Plates in Albums, Mostly of Italy (4 Volumes)

European Grand Tour Photo Books:  245 Mounted Photographic Plates in Albums, Mostly of Italy (4..

$900.00 Ex Tax: $900.00

Extracts from the Several Treaties Subsisting Between Great-Britain and Other Kingdoms and States

Extracts from the several treaties subsisting between Great-Britain and other kingdoms and states : ..

$550.00 Ex Tax: $550.00

Familiar Quotations: Being an Attempt to Trace to their Sources Passages and Phrases in Common Use (Signed)

Familiar Quotations: Being an Attempt to Trace to their Sources Passages and Phrases in Common Use (..

$485.00 Ex Tax: $485.00

Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review (Vol. 19. Oct. 1940-1941 & Vol. 20. Oct. 1941-July 1942; (2 Volume Set)

Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review (Vol. 19. Oct. 1940-1941 & Vol. 20. Oct. 1941-July..

$140.00 Ex Tax: $140.00

Freemasonry Ancient Order Of Free Gardeners Ceremonial Sash.

Freemasonry Ancient Order Of Free Gardeners Ceremonial Sash.Charles LangGlasgow. Charles Lang., 1890..

$500.00 Ex Tax: $500.00

Funerailles & Diverses Manieres d'ensevelir des Rommains, Grecs, & Autres Nations, Tant Anciennes que Modernes

Funerailles & Diverses Manieres d'ensevelir des Rommains, Grecs, & Autres Nations, Tant Anci..

$950.00 Ex Tax: $950.00


GenevaGribble, Francis HenryA. and C. Black, 1908.Bound in publisher's decorated cloth.   ..

$25.00 Ex Tax: $25.00