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Books relating to the history of Asia. Not including the Middle East or India.
Voyage en Chine et en Tartarie, a la Suite de L'ambassade de Lord MacartneySamuel HolmesImpr. de Del..
$900.00 Ex Tax: $900.00
Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the Year 1788, with Views of the Islands DiscoveredThomas ..
$9,000.00 Ex Tax: $9,000.00
Voyages Celebres & Remarquables, Faits de Perse aux Indes OrientalesJohann Albrecht von Mandelsl..
$10,000.00 Ex Tax: $10,000.00
Where Three Empires Meet, A Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit & the A..
$80.00 Ex Tax: $80.00
Yun-Nan: The Link Between India and the YangtzeMajor Henry Rodolph DaviesCambridge University Press,..
$1,400.00 Ex Tax: $1,400.00