Asian History

Books relating to the history of Asia.  Not including the Middle East or India.

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Voyage en Chine et en Tartarie, a la Suite de L'ambassade de Lord Macartney

Voyage en Chine et en Tartarie, a la Suite de L'ambassade de Lord MacartneySamuel HolmesImpr. de Del..

$900.00 Ex Tax: $900.00

Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the Year 1788, with Views of the Islands Discovered

Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the Year 1788, with Views of the Islands DiscoveredThomas ..

$9,000.00 Ex Tax: $9,000.00

Voyages Celebres & Remarquables, Faits de Perse aux Indes Orientales

Voyages Celebres & Remarquables, Faits de Perse aux Indes OrientalesJohann Albrecht von Mandelsl..

$10,000.00 Ex Tax: $10,000.00

Where Three Empires Meet, A Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit & the Adjoining Countries (Prize binding)

Where Three Empires Meet, A Narrative of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit & the A..

$80.00 Ex Tax: $80.00

Yun-Nan: The Link Between India and the Yangtze

Yun-Nan: The Link Between India and the YangtzeMajor Henry Rodolph DaviesCambridge University Press,..

$1,400.00 Ex Tax: $1,400.00