Asian History

Books relating to the history of Asia.  Not including the Middle East or India.

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Mu Tei

Mu TeiJean-Clarence Lambert; Olivier Debre; Sumie Terada; Tamie AwazuParis (68 quai de Seine) : Le L..

$2,400.00 Ex Tax: $2,400.00

Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854

Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan Performed in the Yea..

$870.00 Ex Tax: $870.00

Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan: Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854. (2 volume set)

Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan: Performed in the Ye..

$1,200.00 Ex Tax: $1,200.00

Overland Through Asia Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life

Overland Through Asia Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life Thomas Wallace KnoxAmerican Pub..

$75.00 Ex Tax: $75.00

Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco Voyage

Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco Voyage autour du monde Volume  III.Du Beauvoir, Le Comte.Henri Plon..

$55.00 Ex Tax: $55.00

Plague Fighter: The Autobiography of a Modern Chinese Physician

Plague Fighter: The Autobiography of a Modern Chinese PhysicianWu Lien-TehHeffer, Cambridge, 1959x, ..

$375.00 Ex Tax: $375.00

Quips From a Chinese Jest-Book

Quips From a Chinese Jest-BookHerbert Allen Giles (Translator)Kelly & Walsh, Ltd., 1925Pictorial..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

Reys-togten naar en door Oost-Indien : in welke, de voornaamste landen, koningryken, steden, eylanden, bergen, en rivieren, met haare eigenschappen

Reys-togten naar en door Oost-Indien : in welke, de voornaamste landen, koningryken, steden, eylande..

$1,600.00 Ex Tax: $1,600.00

Science and Civilisation in China (Volumes 1-6) (14 volume set)

Science and Civilisation in China (Volumes 1-6) (14 volume set)Joseph Needham; Wang Ling; Lu Gwei-dj..

$1,650.00 Ex Tax: $1,650.00

Sishu Fanshen Lu (Si shu fan shen lu 8 juan)

Sishu Fanshen Lu (Si shu fan shen lu 8 juan)Li Yong; Wang Xingjing[China] Zhejiang shu ju, Qing Daog..

$2,500.00 Ex Tax: $2,500.00

Sketches of the Battle off Chemulpo. Jinsen kaisen shaseicho = Zhin-sen kai-sen sha-shin jo

Sketches of the Battle off Chemulpo. Jinsen kaisen shaseicho = Zhin-sen kai-sen sha-shin joJikemura ..

$1,650.00 Ex Tax: $1,650.00

Soken Kisho : Strange and Wonderful Sword Fittings (6 of 7 volume set)

Soken Kisho : Strange and Wonderful Sword Fittings (6 of 7 volume set)Sakusha Inaba Shinemon Shisuik..

$1,250.00 Ex Tax: $1,250.00

The Capital of the Tycoon

The Capital of the Tycoon: A Narrative of a Three Years' Residence in Japan. Vol.I & Vol.II. 2 V..

$260.00 Ex Tax: $260.00