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A Journal of Transactions and Events, During a Residence of Nearly Sixteen Years on the Coast of Lab..
$4,800.00 Ex Tax: $4,800.00
A Journey into Siberia, made by Order of the King of FranceM. L'abbe Chappe d'AuterocheLondon : Prin..
$2,000.00 Ex Tax: $2,000.00
A Journey to Damascus Through Egypt, Nubia, Arabia Petræa, Palestine, and Syria (2 volumes)Frederick..
$2,200.00 Ex Tax: $2,200.00
A Journey to the World Under-Ground by Nicholas KlimiumLudvig Holberg; Nicholas KlimiumPrinted for R..
$1,100.00 Ex Tax: $1,100.00
A Large Collection of Original, Colored Sketches of the United States Supreme Court, Senate, and U.S..
$12,000.00 Ex Tax: $12,000.00
A monograph of the culicidae, or mosquitoes : mainly compiled from the collections received at the B..
$3,500.00 Ex Tax: $3,500.00
A New American Atlas: Containing Maps of the Several States of the North American UnionHenry Schenck..
$30,000.00 Ex Tax: $30,000.00
A New Survey of the West-Indies: Being a Journal of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles Within th..
$1,750.00 Ex Tax: $1,750.00
A Paraphrase and Notes on the Revelation of St. JohnMoses Lowman; Richard GridleyLondon : Printed fo..
$2,000.00 Ex Tax: $2,000.00
A report of all such English statutes as existed at the time of the first emigration of the people o..
$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00
A Series of Etchings Chiefly of Views in Scotland: With Additional Etchings and Facsimiles from his ..
$2,750.00 Ex Tax: $2,750.00
A Sketch of the Geography and Geology of the Himalaya Mountains and TibetSidney Gerald Burrard, Henr..
$2,400.00 Ex Tax: $2,400.00
A State of the Expedition from CanadaJohn BurgoyneJ. Almon, London, MDCCLXXX[American Revolutionary ..
$2,900.00 Ex Tax: $2,900.00
A Travers le Turkestan Russe: Ouvrage Illustre de 265 Gravures d'apres les Cliches de l'auteur et Co..
$2,600.00 Ex Tax: $2,600.00
A treatise on the copyright of designs for printed fabrics; with considerations on the necessity of ..
$1,750.00 Ex Tax: $1,750.00