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Eloge de Charles-Quint, Empereur, Traduit du Poeme Latin de Jacques Masenius (Maria Theresa of Hapsburg, Supralibros)

Eloge de Charles-Quint, Empereur, Traduit du Poeme Latin de Jacques Masenius (Maria Theresa of Hapsb..

$2,000.00 Ex Tax: $2,000.00

Encyclopedie: Ou, Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers (41 tomes)

Encyclopedie: Ou, Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers (41 tomes)Denis Didero..

$6,500.00 Ex Tax: $6,500.00

England's Present Interest Discover'd with Honour to the Prince and Safety to the People

England's present interest discover'd with honour to the prince and safety to the people. : In answe..

$28,000.00 Ex Tax: $28,000.00

Etchings After Original Paintings by Howard Pyle

Etchings After Original Paintings by Howard PyleW H W Bicknell; Howard Pyle; Bibliophile Society (Bo..

$3,750.00 Ex Tax: $3,750.00

Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress: Held at Philadelphia on the 5th of September 1774

Extracts from the votes and proceedings of the American Continental Congress : held at Philadelphia ..

$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00

Feminies. Huit Chapitres Inedits Devoues a la Femme, a l'amour, a la Beaute. Par Gyp, Abel Hermant, Henri Lavedan, Marcel Schwob, & Octave Uzanne.

Feminies. Huit Chapitres Inedits Devoues a la Femme, a l'amour, a la Beaute. Par Gyp, Abel Hermant, ..

$3,000.00 Ex Tax: $3,000.00

Flavii Josephi Antiquitatum Judaicarum libri XX

Flavii Josephi Antiquitatum Judaicarum libri XXFlavius Josephus; Nicolaus Episcopius (Printer), Hier..

$1,700.00 Ex Tax: $1,700.00

Florida Corona, que ad Sanitatis Hominum Conservationem ac Longeuam Vitam Perducendam Sunt Pernecessaria Continens

Florida Corona, que ad Sanitatis Hominum Conservationem ac Longeuam Vitam Perducendam Sunt Pernecess..

$3,000.00 Ex Tax: $3,000.00

From the Snows to the Seas

From the Snows to the SeasLubbock, Joseph G.Bertram Rota, 1986.*One of 95 copies signed by Lubbock.*..

$600.00 Ex Tax: $600.00

Geronimo Apache - Original Lithograph, Proof, signed

Geronimo Apache - Original Lithograph, Proof, signedLeonard BaskinLeonard Baskin, 1993Color wood-eng..

$2,000.00 Ex Tax: $2,000.00

Gli Edifici di Roma Antica: Cogniti per Alcune Religuie: Descritti e Dimostrati nell'intera loro Architettura (edifizi) (6 volume set)

Gli Edifici di Roma Antica: Cogniti per Alcune Religuie: Descritti e Dimostrati nell'intera loro Arc..

$7,605.00 Ex Tax: $7,605.00

Hatches A Complete Guide to Fishing the Hatches of North American Trout Streams (Limited edition of 100)

Hatches A Complete Guide to Fishing the Hatches of North American Trout Streams (Limited edition of ..

$4,000.00 Ex Tax: $4,000.00