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Boston, MassachusettsEngelhardt, George W.Geo. W. Engelhardt, 1897Oblong folio. 303 pp, [3];profusel..
$220.00 Ex Tax: $220.00
Bound Volume of the London Illustrated News (November 2nd - Dec 28th, 1929)The Illustrated London ne..
$360.00 Ex Tax: $360.00
Boy With A Violin (Original Framed Etching)Irwin RosenhouseIrwin Rosenhouse, 1960Original etched por..
$200.00 Ex Tax: $200.00
Breou's Official Series of Farm Maps of Chester County, PennsylvaniaW.H. KirkTownsend Book Bindery, ..
$225.00 Ex Tax: $225.00
Brilliant Naval Victory on the Mississippi River, Near Fort Wright, May 10th 1862 (Original Color Li..
$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00
Britannia; A Survey of the Roads of England and Wales in 1675John Ogilby; introduction by Helen Wall..
$850.00 Ex Tax: $850.00
Building the Ark I (Framed Lithograph and Etching)Chad BuckChad Buck, 1988Framed and mounted undergl..
$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00
Bukkyo KanryuShashin, Bun Terashima Akiyoshi, Akiyoshi TerashimaKobundo, Tokyo, 2011Hardcover in sli..
$200.00 Ex Tax: $200.00
Called Home: A Sequence of Poems: 1964-66Milton Kessler; Robert E. MarxVestal, N.Y. : Printed at The..
$1,200.00 Ex Tax: $1,200.00
Camden's Britannia, Newly Translated into English: With Large Additions And ImprovementsCamden, Will..
$3,000.00 Ex Tax: $3,000.00
Canticum Canticorum. The Song of SolomonZe'ev Raban.The Song of Songs, Jerusalem, 1930Small folio; 3..
$465.00 Ex Tax: $465.00
Capitol of the United States, Washington DC, 1855J AndrewsSamuel Walker, 1855Original color engravin..
$95.00 Ex Tax: $95.00
Carte de l'Isle de Saint Domingue: dressee en 1722 pour l'usage du RoyGuillaume de Lisle; MarinParis..
$800.00 Ex Tax: $800.00
Carte Geo-Hydrographique du Golfe du Mexique et de ses IslesRizzi-ZannoniParis: Lattre, 178212 x 17-..
$335.00 Ex Tax: $335.00
Carte Nouvelle de l'Amerique Angloise Contenant tout ce que les Anglois Possedent sur le Continent d..
$850.00 Ex Tax: $850.00