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Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas: in 91 Haupt- und 86 Nebenkarten Nebst Vollstaandigem Alphabetischem N..
$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00
Angling in British Art Through Five Centuries Prints, Pictures, BooksWalter Shaw SparrowLondon: John..
$125.00 Ex Tax: $125.00
Anthony Van Dyck of Great Masters: A Further Study By Lionel Cust with Twenty-five Illustrations in ..
$60.00 Ex Tax: $60.00
AnthropticEthan Ham; Benjamin Rosenbaum; Michael BettencourtThe Present Group, 2007One of 80. Clamsh..
$1,250.00 Ex Tax: $1,250.00
Antique Map After Willem Janszoon Blaeu; GraeciaIllustrator-Willem Janszoon BlaeuBlaeu; Amsterdam, 1..
$935.00 Ex Tax: $935.00
Architecture moderne de la Sicile; ou, Recueil des plus beaux monumens religieux, et des edifices pu..
$2,500.00 Ex Tax: $2,500.00
Art and Australia Quarterly Journal (24 Volume set)Laura Murray Cree (Editor); Hannah Fink; Paul McG..
$400.00 Ex Tax: $400.00
Art Decoratif Tshokwe (2 volumes)Marie-Louise BastinLisboa; Dundo-Lunda : Museu do Dundo, 1961[Rare ..
$1,100.00 Ex Tax: $1,100.00
Art industriel. L'ornement des tissus : recueil historique et pratiqueDupont-AubervilleP. Ducher &am..
$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00
Art of Cote d'Ivoire from the collections of the Barbier-Mueller Museum 2 VolumesMusee Barbier-Mulle..
$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00
Art Studies in Black and White. 10 beautiful proof plates of Scenery in the Catskill Mountains (Kaat..
$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00
Arte Italiana. Decorativa e Industriale. Anno V-VII; IX-X; XII & XVIICamillo BoitoU. Hoepli, 189..
$550.00 Ex Tax: $550.00
ArtefactosNicanor ParraEdiciones Nueva Universidad, Universidad Catolica de Chile, Vicerrectoria de ..
$815.00 Ex Tax: $815.00
Arthur Elgort: Personal Fashion PicturesElgort, Arthur1983Signed limited edition. Additionally..
$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00
Artist's Portolio: A Curious Collection of 38 Lithographs by Robert BushongRobert (Bobby) BushongUnk..
$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00