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Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas: in 91 Haupt- und 86 Nebenkarten Nebst Vollstaandigem Alphabetischem Namenverzeichnis

Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas: in 91 Haupt- und 86 Nebenkarten Nebst Vollstaandigem Alphabetischem N..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

Angling in British Art Through Five Centuries Prints, Pictures, Books

Angling in British Art Through Five Centuries Prints, Pictures, BooksWalter Shaw SparrowLondon: John..

$125.00 Ex Tax: $125.00


AnthropticEthan Ham; Benjamin Rosenbaum; Michael BettencourtThe Present Group, 2007One of 80. Clamsh..

$1,250.00 Ex Tax: $1,250.00

Antique Map After Willem Janszoon Blaeu; Graecia

Antique Map After Willem Janszoon Blaeu; GraeciaIllustrator-Willem Janszoon BlaeuBlaeu; Amsterdam, 1..

$935.00 Ex Tax: $935.00

Art and Australia Quarterly Journal (24 Volume set) New

Art and Australia Quarterly Journal (24 Volume set)

Art and Australia Quarterly Journal (24 Volume set)Laura Murray Cree (Editor); Hannah Fink; Paul McG..

$400.00 Ex Tax: $400.00

Art Decoratif Tshokwe (2 volumes)

Art Decoratif Tshokwe (2 volumes)Marie-Louise BastinLisboa; Dundo-Lunda : Museu do Dundo, 1961[Rare ..

$1,100.00 Ex Tax: $1,100.00

Art industriel. L'ornement des tissus : recueil historique et pratique

Art industriel. L'ornement des tissus : recueil historique et pratiqueDupont-AubervilleP. Ducher &am..

$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00

Art of Cote d'Ivoire from the collections of the Barbier-Mueller Museum 2 Volumes

Art of Cote d'Ivoire from the collections of the Barbier-Mueller Museum 2 VolumesMusee Barbier-Mulle..

$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00

Art Studies in Black and White. 10 beautiful proof plates of Scenery in the Catskill Mountains (Kaatskill), by R. M. Tudor.

Art Studies in Black and White. 10 beautiful proof plates of Scenery in the Catskill Mountains (Kaat..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

Arte Italiana. Decorativa e Industriale. Anno V-VII; IX-X; XII & XVII

Arte Italiana. Decorativa e Industriale. Anno V-VII; IX-X; XII & XVIICamillo BoitoU. Hoepli, 189..

$550.00 Ex Tax: $550.00


ArtefactosNicanor ParraEdiciones Nueva Universidad, Universidad Catolica de Chile, Vicerrectoria de ..

$815.00 Ex Tax: $815.00

Arthur Elgort: Personal Fashion Pictures

Arthur Elgort: Personal Fashion PicturesElgort, Arthur1983Signed limited edition.  Additionally..

$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00

Artist's Portolio: A Curious Collection of 38 Lithographs by Robert Bushong

Artist's Portolio: A Curious Collection of 38 Lithographs by Robert BushongRobert (Bobby) BushongUnk..

$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00