American History and Politics

American History and Politics

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An Address Delivered at Charlestown, August 1, 1826: In Commemoration of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

An Address Delivered at Charlestown, August 1, 1826: In Commemoration of John Adams and Thomas Jeffe..

$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00

An Elementary Treatise on Physical Geography: To Which is Added a Brief Description of the Physical Phenomena of the United States

An Elementary Treatise on Physical Geography: To Which is Added a Brief Description of the Physical ..

$55.00 Ex Tax: $55.00

An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, from its Origin

An historical review of the constitution and government of Pennsylvania, from its origin : so far as..

$700.00 Ex Tax: $700.00

An Illustrated Atlas of Cecil County, Maryland. Compiled, Drawn and Published from Actual Surveys

An Illustrated Atlas of Cecil County, Maryland. Compiled, Drawn and Published from Actual SurveysLak..

$1,200.00 Ex Tax: $1,200.00

An Old New England Town: Sketches of Life, Scenery, Character

An Old New England Town: Sketches of Life, Scenery, CharacterChild, Frank Samuel; Plates [Illustrato..

$135.00 Ex Tax: $135.00

Appeal to the California delegation in Congress upon the Goat Island grant to the Central Pacific R.R. Co.

Appeal to the California delegation in Congress upon the Goat Island grant to the Central Pacific R...

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

Around the World with General Grant 2 Volumes

Around the World with General Grant 2 VolumesYoung, John Russell; GRANT, Ulysses S.American News Com..

$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00

Assessors' Plans Town of Brookline, Mass. (1930-1939) [11 volume set]

Assessors' Plans Town of Brookline, Mass. (1930-1939) [11 volume set]Town of Brookline (Massachusett..

$1,440.00 Ex Tax: $1,440.00