An Account of the Voyages Undertaken By the Order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere and Successively Performed By Commodore Byron, Captain Carteret, Captain Wallis, and Captain Cook - VOLUME 1
An Account of the Voyages Undertaken By the Order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere and Successively Performed By Commodore Byron, Captain Carteret, Captain Wallis, and Captain Cook - VOLUME 1
Hawkesworth, John; Bartollozi [Illustrator]
W. Strahan, and T. Cadell in the Strand
Volume 1 only. Quarto. Rebound in modern 1/4 leather over marbled boards. Very good binding and cover. New end pages. Title page and first few pages have some marginal staining, soiling. Minor damp staining, resulting in some spotting. Marginal browning to a few of the plates. 676 p.
Collated: 16 folding plates, charts and maps present, including: Plate No. 23, p. 27; Chart of Hawkin's Maidenhead, p. 41; Plate no. 21, p. 443; Plate no. 22, p. 462; Sir Charles Saunder's Islands, p. 491; Cocos & Traitors Islands, p. 492; Wallis's Island, p. 496; A view of the N.W. Side of Mas - A - Fuera, p. 553; A Chart of the Pitcairn Islands, p. 561; Queen Charlotte's Islands, p. 569; Views of Queen Charlotte's Islands, p. 577; Nova Hibernia, p. 588; A Chart of Captain Carteret's discoveries of New Britain, p. 595; Three views of the Admiralty Islands, p. 605; A Dangerous Shoal, 601p.; Draught of Bonthain Bay, p. 609. 676 p. Lacking charts proceeding title, e.g. Chart of the Straight of Magellan, et al. Refs: Holmes 5; Sabin 30934; Beddie 648; Bagnall 2514; Hill 2; Hocken, pp 10-11; Kroepelien 535; ESTC T74465.
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