The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle: The Viking runes [AND] Womanrunes, with Handmade Ceramic Runes and a 1988 Sheet from Shekhinah Mountainwater
The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle: The Viking runes [AND] Womanrunes, with Handmade Ceramic Runes and a 1988 Sheet from Shekhinah Mountainwater
Blum, Ralph; Shekhinah Mountainwater
St Martins Pr, 1984
[Womanrunes : Interestingly, includes a rune pouch with a large group of hand-made ceramic Nordic Runes and related ephemera] 37 ceramic Womanrunes, with gray-glazed tops. Includes an additional sheet with Womanrune Names and Pronunciations by Shekhinah Mountainwater (1988). Shekhinah Mountainwater was a noted Pagan musician, author, teacher, priestess of Aphrodite, and a key figure in the Goddess movement. She referred to herself as a: "muse-ical mystical magical woman who loves the Goddess and women, a foremother of the Womanspirit movement, a teacher of Women's Mysteries, and a priestess of Aphrodite." She dedicated her life to sharing and expressing the love of the Goddess, leading women to reclaim their power and connection to one another and to the earth.
The book is in a worn box. Minor water damage to book (but still in good shape).