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A History of British Birds [AND] The History of British Fishes [Fine Binding] (5 Volumes)

A History of British Birds [AND] The History of British Fishes [Fine Binding] (5 Volumes)Yarrell, Wi..

$1,200.00 Ex Tax: $1,200.00

American Cattle

American CattleAllen, Lewis FScholarly Resources, 1973Bound in publisher's green cloth. Gilt letteri..

$125.00 Ex Tax: $125.00

Anatomical and Zoological Researches: Comprising an Account of the Zoological Results of the Two Expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875

Anatomical and zoological researches : comprising an account of the zoological results of the two ex..

$1,000.00 Ex Tax: $1,000.00

Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum. (3 volumes)

Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum.  (3 volumes)George Albert Boulenger; British Mus..

$940.00 Ex Tax: $940.00

Cats and Kittens

Cats and Kittens Elizabeth S TUCKER; Frederick J Boston New York : F.A. Stokes Co., 1895Bo..

$195.00 Ex Tax: $195.00

Concerning Cats; My Own and Some Others

Concerning Cats; My Own and Some Others Winslow, Helen M.Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, Boston, 1907[A ..

$125.00 Ex Tax: $125.00

Delle uova e dei nidi degli uccelli: libro primo aggiunti in fine alcune osservazioni, con una dissertazione sopra varie spezie di Cavallette

Delle uova e dei nidi degli uccelli: libro primo aggiunti in fine alcune osservazioni, con una disse..

$1,100.00 Ex Tax: $1,100.00

Ecole de Cavalerie. Contenant la Connoissance, l'instruction et la Conservation du Cheval. Avec figures en Taille-Douce

Ecole de Cavalerie. Contenant la Connoissance, l'instruction et la Conservation du Cheval. Avec figu..

$3,000.00 Ex Tax: $3,000.00

Historiae Naturalis: [6 parts] De Quadrupedibus, De Piscibus et Cetis, De Exanguibus Aquaticis, De Avibus, De Insectis, De Serpentibus et Draconibus

Historiae Naturalis: [6 parts] De Quadrupedibus, De Piscibus et Cetis, De Exanguibus Aquaticis, De A..

$9,500.00 Ex Tax: $9,500.00

Mosemans' Illustrated Guide for Purchasers of Horse Furnishing Goods. Novelties and Stable Appointments Imported and Domestic

Mosemans' Illustrated Guide for Purchasers of Horse Furnishing Goods. Novelties and Stable Appointme..

$1,600.00 Ex Tax: $1,600.00

On Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bitting and the Prevention and Cure of Restiveness in Horses

On Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bitting and the Prevention and Cure of Restiveness in HorsesDwyer, Fr..

$90.00 Ex Tax: $90.00

Our Poor Relations A Philozoic Essay

Our Poor Relations A Philozoic EssayEdward Bruce Hamley, SirJ.E. Tilton, 1871Bound in publisher's cl..

$95.00 Ex Tax: $95.00