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American Women and the World War

American Women and the World WarIda Clyde Gallagher Clarke, Mrs.New York ; London : D. Appleton and ..

$190.00 Ex Tax: $190.00

An Outline of Contraceptive Methods, for Physicians and Medical Students Exclusively

An Outline of Contraceptive Methods, for Physicians and Medical Students ExclusivelyJames F. CooperA..

$180.00 Ex Tax: $180.00

Controverses des Sexes Masculin et Foemenin

Controverses des Sexes Masculin et FoemeninGratien Du PontParis : Gilles Corrozet : Jean III Du Pre ..

$4,500.00 Ex Tax: $4,500.00

Daughters of America

Daughters of AmericaHanaford, Phebe A.True and Co., Augusta, Me., 1883[Women's History : Fine pictor..

$50.00 Ex Tax: $50.00

Diligence and Dissipation: or the Progress of a Modest Girl and a Wanton, Exemplified in Ten Different Stages of Their Lives

Diligence and Dissipation: or the Progress of a Modest Girl and a Wanton, Exemplified in Ten Differe..

$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00

Eighty Years and More (1815-1897): Reminiscences of Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Eighty Years and More (1815-1897): Reminiscences of Elizabeth Cady StantonElizabeth Cady Stanton&nbs..

$900.00 Ex Tax: $900.00

Feminies. Huit Chapitres Inedits Devoues a la Femme, a l'amour, a la Beaute. Par Gyp, Abel Hermant, Henri Lavedan, Marcel Schwob, & Octave Uzanne.

Feminies. Huit Chapitres Inedits Devoues a la Femme, a l'amour, a la Beaute. Par Gyp, Abel Hermant, ..

$3,000.00 Ex Tax: $3,000.00

Harper's Bazar (Bazaar) Magazine, Thanksgiving, November 1903 (Vol 37 Iss 11)

Harper's Bazar (Bazaar) Magazine, Thanksgiving, November 1903 (Vol 37 Iss 11)Harper's BazarHarper's ..

$120.00 Ex Tax: $120.00

How To Bring Up a Baby

How To Bring Up a Baby Elisabeth Robinson Scovil; Procter & Gamble Company,Cincinnati, Ohio..

$40.00 Ex Tax: $40.00

On the Programme of the Women's Franchise League. An Address Delivered at the National Liberal Club, February 25, 1890.

On the Programme of the Women's Franchise League. An Address Delivered at the National Liberal Club,..

$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00

Seventeen Magazine - December 1965 - Barbara Bach Cover

Seventeen Magazine - December 1965 - Barbara Bach CoverEnid A. Haupt, EditorSeventeen Magazine; ..

$48.00 Ex Tax: $48.00

Seventeen Magazine - November 1966 New

Seventeen Magazine - November 1966

Seventeen Magazine - November 1966Enid A. Haupt, EditorSeventeen Magazine;  Triangle Publicatio..

$30.00 Ex Tax: $30.00

Story of a Cleveland School, From 1848 to 1881: Written for Its Pupils

Story of a Cleveland School, From 1848 to 1881: Written for Its PupilsLucinda T. GuilfordCambridge [..

$180.00 Ex Tax: $180.00

The Art of Finger Waving

The Art of Finger WavingPaul CompanModern Beauty Shop, 1930Hardcover.  Good binding and cover. ..

$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00