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La Gerusalemme Liberata Torquato Tasso; Scipione Gentili; Giulio Guastavini; Orazio Ariosto; Be..
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La Historia D'ItaliaFrancesco Guicciardini; Remigio NanniniVenetia : Appresso Giovan Maria Bonelli, ..
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La Nouvelle Fortification, de Nicolas GoldmanNicolaus GoldmannElsevier, 1645[Early book on fortifica..
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Lalla Rukh, ein Festspiel mit Gesang und Tanz : Aufgefuhrt auf dem Konigl. Schlosse in Berlin am 27s..
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Laws of the Republic of Texas, Passed the First Session of Third Congress, 1839TexasIntelligencer Of..
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Laws of the state of Missouri : passed at the first session of the fourteenth General Assembly, begu..
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Laws of the United States of America (12 volumes)US Congress; Zephaniah SwiftWashington, Philadelphi..
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Le Antiche Lucerne Sepolcrali Figurate Raccolte Dalle Cave Sotterranee, e Grotte di Roma. Nelle Qual..
Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry: Delivered in the University of Edinburgh (3 volumes)Joseph Bl..
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Les Antiquites d'Herculanum, ou les Plus Belles Peintures Antiques, et les Marbres, Bronzes, Meubles..
Les Navigations, Peregrinations, et Voyages, Faicts en la Turquie 1577Nicolas de Nicolay; Assuerus v..
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Les Principes de la PhilosophieRene DescartesParis: Theodore Girard, 1681Quarto. Quatrieme edition B..
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Les vies des hommes illustres grecs & romainsPlutarch; Jacques Amyot; PlutarqueParis : Michel de..
Letters to Catherine E. Beecher, In Reply to An Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism, Addressed to A. E..
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Lewis's Atlas Comprising the Counties of Ireland and a General Map of the Kingdom Samuel LewisS. Lew..
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