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A Voyage towards the South Pole: Performed in the Years 1822-24 : Containing an Examination of..
$2,250.00 Ex Tax: $2,250.00
A Description of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Coast of the West IndiesThomas JefferysL..
$8,500.00 Ex Tax: $8,500.00
A geographical description of the coasts, harbours, and sea ports of the Spanish West Indies; partic..
$3,200.00 Ex Tax: $3,200.00
A New Survey of the West-Indies: Being a Journal of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles Within th..
$1,750.00 Ex Tax: $1,750.00
A True & Exact History of the Island of Barbados: Illustrated with a Map of the IslandRichard Li..
$7,500.00 Ex Tax: $7,500.00
A Voyage to South America: Describing at Large, the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, & c. on th..
$800.00 Ex Tax: $800.00
Acta capituli provincialis : permagno in n[ostri] capitulari s[anctissimi]s parentis n[ostri] Domini..
$2,000.00 Ex Tax: $2,000.00
Album Pintoresco de la Isla de CubaPierre Toussaint Frederic (Federico) MiahleB. May y Ca., 1850-185..
$6,500.00 Ex Tax: $6,500.00
Arte, Vocabulario y Confessionario en el Idioma Mexicano: Como se usa en el Obispado de Guadalaxara ..
$10,000.00 Ex Tax: $10,000.00
Arte, y vocabulario de lengua Quichua general de los Indios de el Peru : que compuso el Padre Diego ..
$3,800.00 Ex Tax: $3,800.00
Atlas geografico de los Estados Unidos MexicanosMexico. Direccion de Geografia Meteorologia[Tacubaya..
$285.00 Ex Tax: $285.00
Bullarium Latino-Hispanicum Ord. Fratrum Bethlemitarum in Indiis Occidentalibus, in quo Comprehendun..
$950.00 Ex Tax: $950.00
Calles de Santafe de Bogota. Homenaje en su iv Centenario, 1938 Moises de la Rosa[Imprenta municipal..
$150.00 Ex Tax: $150.00
Codex Sierra Texupan, Codice Sierra Fragmento de una Nomina de Gastos del Pueblo de Santa Catarina T..
$1,200.00 Ex Tax: $1,200.00
Coleccion Chavez Cedeno: Antonio Vanegas ArroyoMariana Masera (Editor)Universidad Nacional Autonoma ..
$80.00 Ex Tax: $80.00