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On Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bitting and the Prevention and Cure of Restiveness in Horses

On Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bitting and the Prevention and Cure of Restiveness in HorsesDwyer, Fr..

$90.00 Ex Tax: $90.00

Our Poor Relations A Philozoic Essay

Our Poor Relations A Philozoic EssayEdward Bruce Hamley, SirJ.E. Tilton, 1871Bound in publisher's cl..

$95.00 Ex Tax: $95.00

Pteryplegia: The Art of Shooting-Flying

Pteryplegia: The Art of Shooting-FlyingMarkland, AbrahamDerrydale Press, 1931No. 44 of 200, signed b..

$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00

Rare Birds of California

Rare Birds of CaliforniaRobert A. Hamilton [Editor]; Michael A. Patten [Editor]; Richard A. Erickson..

$200.00 Ex Tax: $200.00

Studer's Popular Ornithology. The Birds of North America

Studer's Popular Ornithology. The Birds of North AmericaJacob H. Studer; Theodore Jasper;  Alfr..

$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00

The Citizen and Country Experienced Farrier

The citizen and country experienced farrier ...  To all which is added: a valuable and fine col..

$1,350.00 Ex Tax: $1,350.00

The Game of British East Africa

The Game of British East AfricaChauncy Hugh StigandLondon: Horace Cox, 19091st ed. Publisher's picto..

$400.00 Ex Tax: $400.00

The Horse in Motion as Shown By Instantaneous Photography With a Study of Animal Mechanics

The Horse in Motion as Shown By Instantaneous Photography With a Study of Animal MechanicsJ.D.B. Sti..

$800.00 Ex Tax: $800.00

The Practical Pigeon Keeper

The Practical Pigeon KeeperLewis WrightCassell & Co., Ltd., London, 1892Bound in publisher's clo..

$23.00 Ex Tax: $23.00