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Books on Political Science. The art of power, government, control, democracy, tyranny, dictatorship, politics and other such skullduggery.
De la Felicite Publique. Ou Considerations sur le Sort des Hommes dans les Différentes Epoques de l..
$500.00 Ex Tax: $500.00
Della perfettione della vita politica di M. Paolo Paruta nobile vinetiano, cavaliere, & procurat..
$1,150.00 Ex Tax: $1,150.00
Della Perfettione Della Vita Politica di M. Paolo ParutaPaolo ParutaVenetia : Domenico Nicolini, 159..
$800.00 Ex Tax: $800.00
Democracy in AmericaAlexis de TocquevilleNew York : Adlard and Saunders, 18393rd American ed. Revise..
$680.00 Ex Tax: $680.00
Des Lois du Travail et de la PopulationGustave Du PuynodeParis, Guillaumin, 1860Inscribed by author ..
$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00
General Taylor and the Wilmot provisoAdams, John CalvinWilson & Damrell, 1848.Bound in publisher..
$170.00 Ex Tax: $170.00
Harrison MelodiesBoston Harrison Club.Boston, Weeks, Jordan and Co, 1840Bound in publisher's brown w..
$350.00 Ex Tax: $350.00
History of Queens County, New York, with Illustrations, Portraits, & Sketches of Prominent Famil..
$1,500.00 Ex Tax: $1,500.00
Hon. Albert Andrus, Member from Franklin County, His Remarks on Defence Bill; Also His Remarks on Pr..
$30.00 Ex Tax: $30.00
Interesting political discussion : the diplomatic policy of Mr. Madison unveiled : in a series of es..
$400.00 Ex Tax: $400.00
Italia Dall'A Alla ZVincenzo Fraschetti, Carlo TestiA Cura Della Direzione Generale Italiani All'Est..
$1,000.00 Ex Tax: $1,000.00
Judge Redfield's Letter to Senator Foot Upon the Points Settled by the War; the Status of the States..
$45.00 Ex Tax: $45.00
Kansas contested election : speech of Hon. J.A. Bingham, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, M..
$180.00 Ex Tax: $180.00
L'eleve de la nature. La solitude (3 parts in 1)G. Guillard de BeaurieuAmsterdam: J.-B. Henry, 1774...
$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00
Les Six Livres de la RepubliqueJean BodinParis: Jacques du Puys (Jacues), 1578[A Foundational Work i..
$1,900.00 Ex Tax: $1,900.00