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Comment Discerner les Styles du VIIIe au XIXe Siecle...Objets d'Art et la Curiosite.ROGER-MILES, L.&..
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Description Generale de l'Hostel Royal des Invalides Etabli par Louis Le Grand dans la Plaine de Gre..
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Descriptions Of The Plates Of Fresco Decorations And Stuccoes Of Churches and Palaces In Italy, Duri..
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Die Kirchliche baukunst des Abendlandes: Historisch und Systematisch Dargestellt (8 Atlas volumes)Ge..
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Discourses on Architecture (2 Volume Set)Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. translated by Benjamin Buc..
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Domestic architecture, furniture and ornament of England from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centu..
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Domestic Architecture: Containing a History of the Science, and the Principles of Designing Public E..
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Edifices de Rome moderne: ou, recueil des palais, maisons, eglises, couvents et autres monuments pub..
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English Homes. Period III-Vol. I: Late Tudor and Early Stuart 1558-1649Henry Avray TippingCountry Li..
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Ensembles Mobiliers, Vol. 2 & 3 (2 volumes)Dufrene, MauriceEditions d'Art Charles Moreau, 19372 volu..
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Examples of Gothic architecture, selected from various ancient edifices in England : consisting of p..
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Faces - The Drawings of Max TurnerMax TurnerBY Publishing, 2000Inscribed by author. Softcover. Good ..
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Fortids Kunst i Norges Bygder. Av Arkitekt Johan Meyer.Johan Meyer; Kristiania Kunstindustrimuseum.K..
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Gli Edifici di Roma Antica: Cogniti per Alcune Religuie: Descritti e Dimostrati nell'intera loro Arc..
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Glories of the Catholic Church in Art, Architecture and History: Comprising 256 Superb Photographic ..
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