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Relating to or dealing in antiques or rare books.
A view of the English constitution: with respect to the sovereign authority of the prince, and the a..
$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00
A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea, and to Beering's Straits, for the Purpose of Exploring a N..
$6,500.00 Ex Tax: $6,500.00
A Voyage Round The World; But More Particularly to the North-West Coast of America: Performed in 178..
$3,900.00 Ex Tax: $3,900.00
A Voyage to South America: Describing at Large, the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, & c. on th..
$800.00 Ex Tax: $800.00
Abjuration of Poperie, by Thomas Abernethie: Sometime Jesuite, but now Penitent Sinner, and an Unwor..
$650.00 Ex Tax: $650.00
Account of the Life and Writings of James Bruce of Kinnaird. Author of Travels to Discover the Sourc..
$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00
Aditus ad Logicam [BOUND WITH] Elementa Logicae in Gratiam studiosae Juventutis in Academia Oxoniens..
$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00
Aeschyli Tragoediae Septem Aeschylus; Thomas StanleyJacob Flesher for Cornelius Bee, 1663Folio,..
$2,200.00 Ex Tax: $2,200.00
America: Being The latest, And Most Accurate Description Of The New World; Containing The Original o..
$13,500.00 Ex Tax: $13,500.00
American Artillerist's Companion; or, Elements of Artillery, Treating of All Kinds of Firearms in De..
$8,000.00 Ex Tax: $8,000.00
American Biographical History of Eminent and Self-Made Men of the State of MichiganWestern Biographi..
$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00
American Painter Etchings: Ten Original Etchings By the Best American ArtistsWalter RowlandsBoston :..
$8,000.00 Ex Tax: $8,000.00
American State Papers Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States (16..
$2,800.00 Ex Tax: $2,800.00
An account of the first discovery, and natural history of Florida. : With a particular detail of the..
$4,000.00 Ex Tax: $4,000.00
An Account of the State Prison or Penitentiary House, in the City of New-YorkBy One of the Inspector..
$1,400.00 Ex Tax: $1,400.00