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Relating to or dealing in antiques or rare books.
The Works of Samuel Johnson: LL.D. In Fifteen Volumes.Samuel Johnson, John Stockdale, George GleigLo..
$485.00 Ex Tax: $485.00
The Works of that Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, Dr. Thom. Taylor Volume IThomas TaylorLondon : P..
$750.00 Ex Tax: $750.00
The Works of the Late Right Honorable Joseph Addison, EsqJoseph Addison; Thomas Tickell; John Basker..
$450.00 Ex Tax: $450.00
The Works of Thomas Goodwin (Volume 2)Thomas Goodwin Printed by J. Darby and S. Roycroft for T...
$600.00 Ex Tax: $600.00
The Writings of Thomas Paine, Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Congress of the United States of ..
$6,500.00 Ex Tax: $6,500.00
Theatrum botanicum, das ist : vollkommenes Kräuter-Buch, worinnen allerhand Erdgewachse, Baume, Sta..
$1,275.00 Ex Tax: $1,275.00
Thomas a Kempis. De Navolginge Christi. (Het leven van Thomas a Kempis regulier. Uyt verscheyde auth..
$180.00 Ex Tax: $180.00
Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex Ex editione Thomae CreechTitus Lucretius Carus; Thomas ..
$500.00 Ex Tax: $500.00
Todas las Decadas de Tito Liuio Paduano: Que Hasta al Presente se Hallaron, y Fueron Impressas en La..
$775.00 Ex Tax: $775.00
Tractatus de legibus & consuetudinibus regni Angliae, tempore regis Henrici Secundi compositus :..
$1,000.00 Ex Tax: $1,000.00
Tractatus de politia Ecclesiae Anglicanae : cui accesserunt Richardi Zouch, LL. D., description juri..
$650.00 Ex Tax: $650.00
Tractatus Theologico-PoliticusLodewijk Meijer (Meyer); Benedictus de Spinoza; BaruchN.P.: [Amsterdam..
$8,500.00 Ex Tax: $8,500.00
Traite de la Construction des Chemins: Ou il est Parle De Ceux des Romains & De Ceux des Moderne..
$140.00 Ex Tax: $140.00
Traite de la preuve par temoins en matiere civil contenant le commentaire latin et francois de Jean ..
$250.00 Ex Tax: $250.00
Traite des Bornes de la Puissance Ecclesiastique et de la Puissance CivileRoland Le Vayer de Boutign..
$240.00 Ex Tax: $240.00