

Relating to or dealing in antiques or rare books.

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Flavii Josephi Antiquitatum Judaicarum libri XX

Flavii Josephi Antiquitatum Judaicarum libri XXFlavius Josephus; Nicolaus Episcopius (Printer), Hier..

$1,700.00 Ex Tax: $1,700.00

Florida Corona, que ad Sanitatis Hominum Conservationem ac Longeuam Vitam Perducendam Sunt Pernecessaria Continens

Florida Corona, que ad Sanitatis Hominum Conservationem ac Longeuam Vitam Perducendam Sunt Pernecess..

$3,000.00 Ex Tax: $3,000.00

Fontenelle's Diaglogues of the Dead in Three Parts

Fontenelle's Diaglogues of the Dead in Three PartsDe Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bouvier ( Bouyer )Jacob ..

$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00

Free Thoughts Upon the Discourse of Free-Thinking

Free Thoughts Upon the Discourse of Free-ThinkingJohn Pemberton, at the Golden-Buck against St. Duns..

$300.00 Ex Tax: $300.00

Funerailles & Diverses Manieres d'ensevelir des Rommains, Grecs, & Autres Nations, Tant Anciennes que Modernes

Funerailles & Diverses Manieres d'ensevelir des Rommains, Grecs, & Autres Nations, Tant Anci..

$950.00 Ex Tax: $950.00

Georgius Agricola De Re Metallica : Translated From the First Latin Edition of 1556

Georgius Agricola De Re Metallica : Translated From the First Latin Edition of 1556(Georgius Agricol..

$1,100.00 Ex Tax: $1,100.00

Gli Edifici di Roma Antica: Cogniti per Alcune Religuie: Descritti e Dimostrati nell'intera loro Architettura (edifizi) (6 volume set)

Gli Edifici di Roma Antica: Cogniti per Alcune Religuie: Descritti e Dimostrati nell'intera loro Arc..

$7,605.00 Ex Tax: $7,605.00

Gray's New Book of Roads. The Tourist and Traveller's Guide to the Roads of England and Wales, and Part of Scotland, etc.

Gray's New Book of Roads. The Tourist and Traveller's Guide to the Roads of England and Wales, and P..

$625.00 Ex Tax: $625.00

Great Britain's Just Complaint for her Late Measures, Present Sufferings, and the Future Miseries she is Exposed To

Great Britain's just complaint for her late measures, present sufferings, and the future miseries sh..

$500.00 Ex Tax: $500.00

Hans Thoma: Hundert Gemalde aus Deutschem Privatbesitz

Hans Thoma: Hundert Gemalde aus Deutschem PrivatbesitzJusti, Ludwig, herausgeben vonDietrich Reimer ..

$220.00 Ex Tax: $220.00